Hypnotherapy Can Help With

Anxiety & Low Mood

Anxiety & Low Mood

Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, focused attention, and positive suggestions to help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. It can be an effective treatment for anxiety because it can help individuals identify and address the root causes of their anxiety, and learn new coping strategies to manage it.

Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for anxiety, particularly for individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Studies have found that hypnotherapy can help reduce anxiety symptoms, improve mood, and increase feelings of relaxation and well-being.

Fears & Phobias

Fears & Phobias

Hypnotherapy can also be an effective treatment for fears and phobias. During a hypnotherapy session for fears and phobias, the therapist will typically guide the individual into a relaxed state and help them confront their fears in a safe and controlled environment.

Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for specific phobias, such as fear of flying or fear of heights. It can also be helpful for social anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders that involve fear or avoidance of specific situations or objects.

Panic Disorder (Panic Attacks)

Panic Disorder (Panic Attacks)

Hypnotherapy can also be an effective treatment for panic attacks. During a hypnotherapy session for panic attacks, the therapist will typically guide the individual into a relaxed state and help them identify and address the underlying causes of their panic attacks.

Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for panic disorder and panic attacks. Studies have found that hypnotherapy can help reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks, improve overall mood and quality of life, and reduce anxiety and other related symptoms.

Habit Breaking

Habit Breaking

Hypnotherapy can be an effective approach for breaking habits because it targets the subconscious mind where habits are stored.

During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist will guide you into a relaxed state and use specific suggestions to help you break the habit. These suggestions may include visualisations, affirmations, or other techniques designed to change the way your subconscious mind views the habit.

Weight Management

Weight Management

Hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for weight management, as it can help individuals address the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to overeating or unhealthy eating habits. By accessing the subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy can help individuals make positive changes in their thoughts, beliefs and behaviors related to food and eating.

Peak Performance

Peak Performance

Hypnotherapy can be particularly effective for athletes, musicians, and other performers who need to access a state of "flow" or peak performance to achieve their best results.

By helping these individuals with confidence as well as  overcome performance anxiety, self-doubt, and other limiting beliefs, hypnotherapy can help them achieve their full potential.